Angus Fairhurst has created works that try to physically erase the memory of man. He has manually blanked out man-made objects in geographically important places. This makes us think about memories of the earth before man, and the effect humankind is having on our world.

Source: Tate
↑ Angus Fairhurst
Swissair, All Evidence of Man Removed, 1993

← Angus Fairhurst
Stenness, All Evidence of Man Removed, 1993
↑ "New Babylon is an anti-capitalist city perceived and designed in 1959-74 as a future potentiality by visual artist Constant Nieuwenhuys."
The politics of design -
A (not so global manual for visual communication
By Ruben Pater
↑ latitude in Schiedam - 51*55`N

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sundial in China
sundial in France
"A sundial is a horological device that tells the time of day (referred to as civil time in modern usage) when direct sunlight shines by the apparent position of the Sun in the sky. In the narrowest sense of the word, it consists of a flat plate (the dial) and a gnomon, which casts a shadow onto the dial. As the Sun appears to move through the sky, the shadow aligns with different hour-lines, which are marked on the dial to indicate the time of day. The style is the time-telling edge of the gnomon, though a single point or nodus may be used. The gnomon casts a broad shadow; the shadow of the style shows the time. The gnomon may be a rod, wire, or elaborately decorated metal casting. The style must be parallel to the axis of the Earth's rotation for the sundial to be accurate throughout the year. The style's angle from horizontal is equal to the sundial's geographical latitude.

The term sundial can refer to any device that uses the Sun's altitude or azimuth (or both) to show the time. Sundials are valued as decorative objects, metaphors, and objects of intrigue and mathematical study.

The passing of time can be observed by placing a stick in the sand or a nail in a board and placing markers at the edge of a shadow or outlining a shadow at intervals. It is common for inexpensive, mass-produced decorative sundials to have incorrectly aligned gnomons, shadow lengths, and hour-lines, which cannot be adjusted to tell correct time."
sundial calculator
sundial Rotterdam parameters

The soil we leave behind

Right now the Netherlands has too much nitrogen in its soil. This is because the country is so densely populated and most rural space is converted into farming. Nitrogen as an element is in almost everything and is harmless to humxns, but plants it affects differently. Some hardy plants (usually classed as weeds) love nitrogen rich soil and thrive alongside humxn interference. But species of plant that are more fragile will die out as they are outcompeted for space and water in this nitrogen rich landscape. One plant that loves nitrogen is the stinging nettle. Nettle is usually dismissed as a pest plant but it's actually full of benefits!! It is the same family as spinach and has a similar taste with lots of vitamins in its leaves as well as minerals like zinc, magnesium and iron. The sting of a nettle has even been tested on helping with arthritic joint pain.
Film about a storm that threatens to break the dikes and flood the lower areas of The Netherlands
and Belgium (Netflix) 

This plant is one that anyone living in a city in the west will have walked past. It's called plantago major and grows best in soil that has been upturned, such as anywhere where humxn's have cultivated the land in some way. This even includes in between pavement cracks. Indigenous Americans call this plant white man's footprint because it only appeared on the continent alongside European colonisers and moved across North America as it was invaded.

The younger leaves are good raw and the older leaves can be made into a stew. Like nettle, this plant is full of vitamins including vitamin D (which we all need in this country). The leaf of Plantago major also contains strong fibres that can be tied into a thread for various purposes.